
Building Admixtures

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Evo-Stick Mortar Plasticiser

EVO-STIK Mortar Plasticiser is a ready to use liquid admixture, containing air entrapping agents, the effect of which is to plasticise a mix and thus provide a satisfactory fatty mortar for laying bricks and blocks without the use of lime. Available in 5Ltr and 25Ltr Drums
£5.89 excl vat

Larsen Acrylic Concrete Sealer 5 Litre

Larsen Acrylic Concrete Sealer 5 Litre provides a final surface for the concrete and changes it from a raw material into a hard enamelled surface that is ready for everyday use. It works by penetrating into the surface and then binding loose substrate particles together. The surface will then be hard-wearing and dust free.
£46.23 excl vat

Larsen Frostproofer 25Ltr

Larsen Frostproofer is a set and hardening accelerator for concrete and mortar. It is a highly concentrated calcium chloride based liquid admixture formulated to accelerate the setting time of cement based mixes in cold weather.
£42.59 excl vat

Larsen Mortar Plasticiser

Larsen Mortar Plasticiser is a plasticising/air-entraining admixture for site-mixed bricklaying and plastering mortars. Mortar Plasticiser improves the workability of mortar for masonry, brickwork and sand/cement rendering without the need for lime.
£6.25 excl vat

Larsen Mould Oil 5lt

Larsen Mould Oil is a chemical release agent. It has been specifically formulated to provide easy release of formwork and to provide high quality surface finishes to concrete. The use of Mould Oil results in greatly reduced incidence of blow holes, staining and surface blemishes.
£16.40 excl vat

Larsen Powder Waterproofer 1kg

Larsen Powder Waterproofer is a white powder admixture used to increase the water repellency of render, mortar and concrete.
£7.89 excl vat

Triple Strength Medusa 330g

Triple Strength Medusa 330g provides economical and durable renders and mortars with increased water repellence and reduces surface water absorption, therefore reducing the amount of staining.
£5.74 excl vat

Larsen SBR Bond

A synthetic rubber polymer emulsion is used to make polymer mortars, screeds and renders. SBR Bond can be mixed with cement as a bonding grout for screeds and renders. Available in 2 Pack sizes.
£28.96 excl vat

Bostik Cementone Integral Waterproofer

Bostik Cementone Integral Waterproofer reacts chemically with cement to form hydrophobic salts which reduce water penetration. Available in 5Ltr and 25Ltr containers
£10.92 excl vat

Sika-4A Waterstop 5L

Sika 4a Waterstop is a ready to use, rapid setting waterproofing admixture. When mixed with water it will produce a paste for leak stopping against high water pressure infiltration.
£47.82 excl vat

Evo-Stik EvoSet Frostproofer 5L

Evo-Stik Evoset Frostproofer is designed to accelerate the setting of mortar mixes all year round but particularly in cold weather and during t he Winter months. Suitable for use where calcium chloride accelerators are not permitted.
£8.30 excl vat

Bostik Cementone Concentrated Mortar Plasticiser 1L

Bostik Cementone Concentrated Mortar Plasticiser plasticises up to 125 bags of cement. Vinsol resin based formulation. Measuring chamber ensures the accurate dose for less waste, greater consistency and better mortar.
£13.58 excl vat

Powder Mortar Mix Plasticiser 25kg

A concentrated plasticising admixture for site-mixed bricklaying and plastering mortars. Helps ensures consistent performance of mortars whilst improving workability and frost resistance.
£108.45 excl vat